.He now has enough hair to get bed head
(I know, I know no one can see it, but me -- I swear he has some fuzz!)
.Talks all day long
.Growls at people (My current favorite trick)
.Rolls both ways, but usually only to get off of his stomach
.Sits by himself
.Loves playing with toys
.Eats veggies
.USED to do great sleeping through the night
.NO teeth
.Has bluer and bluer eyes each day
.Sticks his tongue out then closes his lips so just the little tip is poking out
.Blows raspberries
.Screams (like high pitched girl scream) when he is happy or excited or for no reason at all
.Gets excited when he looks at our family picture
.LOVES reading books
.Finally stopped wanting to be swaddled
.Flirts with ladies old and young and has pretty much won their love
.Stops fussing immediately if you take him outside
.Is small for his age (20th percentile for most things)
.Starting to prefer me over anyone else
.LOVES to be around other kids - gets so excited, smiles, growls at them, laughs
.Refuses to sit on my lap, only stand
.Still loves bath time
.Fake coughs (it is AWESOME!)
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