

Beckham grew some teef last week. They are about the cutest thing I have ever seen!! I tried to capture his teeth ....



One of our favorite things to do is to sneak into Beckham's room after he's gone to bed to look at him ... creepy? Nah.

He starts in the center of his crib and always ends up at the top, pressed against the bumper in some way or another. We love predicting what position he'll be in.

The last couple of months we put him in bed with Moxy (featured below). They are besties .. He hugs onto Mox & rolls over to one of his sides. He also balls up his blanket in his fist and sucks fiercely on it. When I get him after a nap he has usually soaked a good quarter of the blanket.

Baby Mum Mums

Beckham LOVES Mum Mums, but they make a MESS for his mum mum. (I'm lame, I know.)

He eats them by himself, but kindly leaves a thick coating of the most impossible-to-remove-goop so that I can be a part of the fun!

He loved his cousin Sofie's high chair so much that he had to copy her. Thanks Frofie!

Doin the worm ... backwards.

Beckham is SLOWLY getting more mobile. He really doesn't like being on his tummy, but we have started to force some tummy time everyday. We slacked for a few months.

When we put him on his tummy he gets his hind legs scrunched up and his booty in the air then pushes ... backwards! He doesn't move intentionally yet - like see a toy and scoot backwards for it - but hey, it's fun!

Whatever gets you from Point A to Point B, right?

Point A

Point B


I got my hair did.

Well I decided to mix it up a little and chop my hair! I was scared to death, but I am happy with the results. It's a fun summer cut ... (I know it's only March, but it is already summer weather here in Austin!)


I {heart} Jimmer.

We went to the BYU vs. TCU basketball game a couple weeks ago up in Fort Worth. We stayed the night before with Jarem, Camilla and their family. Like a fool I forgot to take pictures with them.

The next day we met a bunch of friends from Austin for lunch before we all headed to the game.

Beckham loved the game and was so happy in the bjorn we borrowed from my brother.

My brother Jarem & I.

And yes, I {heart} Jimmer.